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Alejandro and Breanna Johnson (France)  – updated 06/03/2024

We have had a wonderful month in the state of Michigan! We have been blessed to attend their state meeting as well as have services and meals with many wonderful congregations and people. We traveled back down to Tennessee on May 23 to attend the Southern Quarterly meeting where Alejandro met with his ordination committee! There, he was approved for ordination, and his ordination service will be on June 9, 2024! On the evening of June 2, we had an amazing opportunity to have a special event at North Warren Free Will Baptist called A Taste of France! Here, we sang songs in English and French, read Scripture, shared about our ministry in France, and even had some delicious French food after the service! We also were able to do some giveaways of French macarons and two missions-themed books! We are so grateful for what the Lord is doing through the hearts of so many congregations and individuals in the state of Michigan!

Also, if you would like to sign up for our weekly email newsletter, please go to this link to join us on our journey:

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To give:

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Jonathan and Amy Postlewaite (Bulgaria) – updated 06/23/2024

Greetings from Bulgaria,

Here are some ways that you can be praying for our ministry in the city of Pleven and the surrounding region:

Next week Amy and the three summer interns will be leading an “English Cafe” every evening. Please pray that God will use this event to help us to make new connections and to strengthen existing relationships with people in our community. 

In 2 weeks we will be going to summer camp. We will be taking three kids from Pleven with us and most of the kids’ parents aren’t believers. Please be praying for the kids and the workers during this week.

Please pray for God to raise up leaders in our churches in Pleven in Odarne. Pray that more people will step up to serve in various roles.

Thank you so much for praying!

Please let us know if you have any questions about our ministry.

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Neil and Mandi Morgan (Spain) – updated 06/27/2024

We are so excited that our church recently held a baptismal service in which two were baptized. Neil was able to baptize our middle daughter Aubrey, and our pastor José Manuel baptized a young mom in our church, who rededicated her life to the Lord during COVID. It was a joy to see both of these young women take this step of baptism.

Our oldest daughter graduated as valedictorian from her high school on May 31. We were so excited that Mandi’s parents were able to fly to Spain to see both Emma Catherine’s graduation as well as Aubrey’s baptism.

Emma Catherine plans to attend Welch College in the fall, so we packed up all of her things and flew back to South Carolina on June 9. We will be in the states for the summer in order to help her get established in the US and to help her move into Welch. We hope we will get to see our family and many of you this summer as well as spend as much time as possible with our daughter before we head back to Spain in August.

If you will, please pray with us for the young mom who was baptized. For the last six months, her family has experienced one sickness after another. Pray for their health and God’s peace and strength.

Please pray also for Emma Catherine as she makes this transition to the United States. Pray for her grief as she says goodbye to Spain for now and pray that the adjustment to life and college in the US will be smooth.

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IM News – updated 06/03/2024

We hope you’ll download a copy of our World Missions Offering poster to share digitally on your church’s website or Facebook page. The icons featured share moments from some of IM’s history, which began back in 1935. Your gifts to the WMO will help CONTINUE THE MISSION into the future. 

Download the poster at:×17-Dated-PRESS.pdf

Give to the WMO at:

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David Aycock (Brazil) – updated 04/29/2024

Over the last few weeks we have had the privilege of leading five children and one teenager to Christ. Four of the five children that were led to the Lord are in our Christian School.

We have experienced an increase in enrollment for the 2024 school year (Feb-Dec), we are thankful to have 44 students enrolled. This year we added 3rd grade and plan to add 4th and 5th grade over the next two years.The Lord has blessed in a tremendous way! Our students are understanding our procedures, our Biblical emphasis and our focus on excellence in their education. The parents have expressed gratitude for the changes they are seeing in their children’s lives at home. Our teachers are exclusively from our FWB churches .

Can you help us turn our concrete slab into a ball court? Currently we are limited in its use due to high average rain fall in our area. The activities on the court are also limited since there isn’t protection for the church and school windows. Your designated gifts would certainly be appreciated. Our target amount is $60,000.

To see our complete newsletter, click here .

Thank you! We are grateful for your prayers and financial support. Additional partners would be very welcomed.

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Frank and Tarri Dillon (Monck’s Corner) – updated 10/27/2023

Thank you for your prayers and contributions. We would like to extend an invitation to come and see what the Lord is doing at the Lamb of God Free Will Baptist Church. To see the September newsletter, please click HERE We love you all in Jesus’ name. For speaking engagements call or text @ 304-731-9192 or email 

Please let us reach heaven for one another.